Picture of Heather with blue coffee cup

with Heather Moulder, J.D.


Lawyer Blog For Soon-to-Be Happy Lawyers

Get practical strategies for balanced success as a lawyer (on your terms).

Your go-to resource for cultivating the mindset, leadership & business skills needed to get you and your practice to the next level (without working more hours or pushing yourself harder).

5 Client Development Myths (Every Lawyer Needs To Drop)

5 Client Development Myths (Every Lawyer Needs To Drop)

Let’s talk about client development. That thing you know you should be doing more of yet can’t seem to find the time for (or just don't want to do because it feels too hard and/or overwhelming). It’s okay. Most lawyers regard client development as a necessary evil....

The Real Truth About Lawyer Stress (& How To Reduce It)

The Real Truth About Lawyer Stress (& How To Reduce It)

The legal industry has been talking about how to reduce and better manage lawyer stress for years yet little has changed. Why is that? As a practicing lawyer for over 18 years and now a lawyer coach, I’ve come to realize that the primary factor behind our lack of...

The Real Meaning Of Work-Life Balance (& How To Achieve It)

The Real Meaning Of Work-Life Balance (& How To Achieve It)

Does work-life balance always feel out of reach? Start by understanding the true meaning of work-life balance because you can't attain something you don't comprehend. And unfortunately, the typical definition of work-life balance doesn't actually work. Whether you...

Improve Your Leadership Skills (3 Unique Ways)

Improve Your Leadership Skills (3 Unique Ways)

Leadership is a skill that’s cultivated (and then refined) over time. That’s true for everyone - even those born with natural leadership skills. But which leadership attributes are most important, where should you start and (more importantly) how do you improve your...

Unlocking Why Work-Life Balance Is Important

Unlocking Why Work-Life Balance Is Important

Before you give up on your work life balance dream, get clear around the reasons why work-life balance is important.  Because understanding why work life balance is important isn’t just nice to know, but necessary for creating a balanced life.

A blog for lawyers ready to build your ideal practice around the life you want

Heather Moulder square image blue top

Hello there, I’m Heather, a former BigLaw partner (with 18+ years of experience) turned lawyer coach who traded in my $2.5MM practice to help lawyers achieve balanced success.

Become A Happily Successful Lawyer

Unlock weekly tips to master your mindset, leadership and business skills (leveraging my 25+ years of experience as a lawyer, BigLaw partner, and lawyer coach).

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Lawyer Blog

For lawyers ready to master the work-life-business-of-law juggling act.