Emotional Intelligence Skills

Articles to help you boost one or more of the five core emotional intelligence skills (self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, motivation & social skills). Improving these important skills will make you a more effective manager and (most importantly) increase happiness.

5 Client Development Myths (Every Lawyer Needs To Drop)

Let’s talk about client development. That thing you know you should be doing more of yet can’t seem to find the time for (or just don't want to do because it feels too hard and/or overwhelming). It’s okay. Most lawyers regard client development as a necessary evil....

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Improve Your Leadership Skills (3 Unique Ways)

Leadership is a skill that’s cultivated (and then refined) over time. That’s true for everyone - even those born with natural leadership skills. But which leadership attributes are most important, where should you start and (more importantly) how do you improve your...

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The Power of Gratitude (Feel Content, Be Happy)

Today we’re talking about the power of gratitude, including: The science-backed benefits of regularly practicing gratitude,  How gratitude rewires your brain (and hence changes your outlook on life), Common misconceptions about expressing gratitude, and How to start...

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How To Be Confident Again After Failure (5 Strategies)

It’s important to know how to be confident again after you’ve failed. Because failing is a normal part of living and succeeding in life. Not only is the road to success paved with failure, but it’s how you learn best. And you can choose to react in one of two ways:...

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Confidence-Building Activities (To Believe In Yourself)

Today we’re covering 5 confidence-building activities that will boost your self-confidence levels and help you achieve success on your terms. Because success won’t come unless you’re willing to work hard, get uncomfortable and keep going (no matter what). And if you...

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How To Stop Feeling Guilty About Taking Care of Yourself

How often do you feel guilty about taking care of yourself?  Self-care guilt shows up in various ways. . .by apologizing for taking time for yourself, feeling like you're being selfish, or pushing it off because you have more productive things to do. Whatever the...

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5 Effective Tools to Stop Living in Fear and Worry

Living in fear is overwhelming.  It makes you feel out of control and feeds your worries and anxiety.  But it's important that you know that, no matter what's going on in your life and the world, you don't have to live in fear. Instead of living in fear, I want you to...

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How to Redefine Yourself For Happiness

So many people are in search of happiness, yet never find it.  Given the number of articles, books, courses, and never-ending discussion about how to be happy, you’d think that more people would BE happy. And yet they’re not.  Instead, they’re constantly searching for...

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Picture of Heather with blue coffee cup

Hey there, I’m Heather.

Former Lawyer Turned Coach & Business Strategist. Wife to A Semi-Stoic. Mom x 2. Cancer Survivor.

And I am on a mission to help lawyers and other purpose-driven professionals confidently create your next level of success + impact (while ditching stress, overthinking and people-pleasing for good).

My 18+ years in private practice while building a values-based, profitable book of business (of 2.5MM+) taught me how to balance a successful and fulfilling career with a real life. Because you do not have to sacrifice your health, relationships or personal happiness for success.

Are you a lawyer ready to get yourself and your practice to the next level (without all the stress, exhaustion and overwhelm)?

Join thousands of other high-achievers (like you) >>>here to get weekly tips + tools on how to build your ideal legal career around the lifestyle you actually want.