Heather Moulder, J.D.
Experienced Attorney (of 18+ years)
Lawyer Leadership & Business Coach
Workshops & Speaking Presentations
Helping lawyers 10x performance and impact (while reenergizing professionally).
Help your attorneys unlock the door to sustainable long-term success.

Insightful. Instructive. Inspiring.
Heather Moulder is a former Am Law Global 100 law firm partner and host of the Life & Law Podcast.
After witnessing countless colleagues struggle with burnout (many of whom ended up opting out of firm life – even law – altogether) and a battle with breast cancer, Heather traded in her multi-million dollar law practice to start her own lawyer coaching and consulting business.
Using a proven, customizable framework (tailored to each individual’s needs, values, strengths and goals), Heather helps lawyers master their mindset, leadership and business skills so that they can achieve balanced success.
Today, Heather is trusted by law firms and lawyers across the country for professional development workshops that help attorneys improve their productivity, increase revenues and uplevel their leadership – all while reenergizing personally and professionally.
Did you know that 50% of surveyed attorneys say they regularly feel self-doubt and lack a sense of accomplishment (with over 60% feeling overwhelmed and/or exhausted – and over half feeling stressed and/or anxious – most of the time)?
And a whopping 74% of surveyed legal professionals say the profession has had a negative impact on their mental health. Statistics further show that a majority of women who leave law firms do so thanks to the pressure to originate business (no one asks men this question but in my experience, it’s an issue for many men as well).
Between the high-pressure law firm environment, the need to be “on” 24/7 and the demand to build a book of business (coupled with most lawyers’ perfectionism and risk aversion), it’s no wonder that most lawyers feel this way.
Which is a problem because you are losing top talent, and it is costing you (more than you realize). The replacement cost for associates is estimated to be between $200,000 and $500,000 per associate (with the cost of replacing a partner being exponentially higher).
Proven Tools, Real-World Insight & Practical Strategies That Create Life-Changing Benefits
Heather’s presentations and workshops are designed to help attorneys:
✓ Be actively present, focused and calm (even in the midst of client-fueled chaos).
✓ Reframe thoughts + adopt new ways of thinking (for a more grounded outlook).
✓ Improve strategic thinking and problem-solving skills.
✓ Streamline busy schedules (without dropping any balls).
✓ Maintain laser-focused energy (and not feel drained).
✓ Uncover their best strengths-based business development strategies.
✓ Learn how to use their stories in legal marketing + networking.
✓ Create strategic business development plans of action (they can be consistent with).
✓ Adopt an organized networking/follow-up approach (that improves results).
✓ Know when – and how – to confidently ask for business.
Most Requested Workshops & Presentations
The Ethics Of Your Mental Health*
According to ALM, 74% of surveyed attorneys feel the profession has had a negative impact on their mental health.
Living a stressed-out existence has become synonymous with practicing law. It impacts every area of our work and life.
As a participant in The Ethics Of Your Mental Health, attorneys will understand the full ripple effect of how stress impacts their body and mind, including the legal ethics implications.
Using case studies, comparing and contrasting “attorney A” to “attorney B”, attendees will see how stress – and specifically their choices around how to deal with stress – impacts their work product and their relationships (both personal and professional, including with clients).
Attorneys will leave this one-hour training with practical mindfulness tools that can easily be used in their day-to-day life to quickly calm their mind, think more strategically and be less stressed.
*This presentation has previously received one hour of TX CLE Ethics credit.
Maximize Business Development ROI
According to ALM, more than 50% of the women who leave law firms do so because of their need to market and originate business.
Your attorneys advocate for their clients with vigor, but do they know how to succeed in the business of law?
Too many lawyers feel intimidated by the need to grow their business and are uncertain how to determine which business development strategies would work best for them. The result is a scattershot approach that doesn’t produce.
As a participant in Maximize Business Development ROI, lawyers will learn Heather’s proven 3-step framework known to double – even triple – business in one year (and how to grow from there).
They’ll create and implement a simple, strengths-based business development plan they enjoy, maximizing ROI and leaving them more time for client work and an actual life.
Train Your Mind To Function At Its Best While Feeling YOUR Best
Acording to recent surveys, approximately 64% of lawyers said they have anxiety – with 31% of lawyers feeling depressed.
As attorneys we advocate fiercely for our clients, working long hours while proposing creative solutions to complicated issues (quickly). Although our service is often top-notch, we suffer as a result.
Studies show that when we are overworked and time-crunched, everything suffers over time. And one of the top complaints of attorneys is the lack of time (and space) for strategic thinking.
This workshop will provide your attorneys with practical strategies that create more time, space, and energy for thinking more strategically and taking impeccable care of their mental wellbeing.
They’ll learn how to rewire their brain to function at its best (and feel their best).
Customized Trainings From An Expert Who Understands
According to NALP, a top reason associates leave law firms is due to a lack of meaningful training.
And surveys tell us that around 35% of partners lateral due to lack of support in building their practice.
What makes Heather unique is her 18+ years as a practicing attorney.
She gets the unique challenges lawyers face, and knows what attorneys at each level need to succeed. She also understands how to build a book of business from scratch without overwhelm during a recession (that’s what she did post-financial crisis).
Heather utilizes her signature framework and research-backed tools to reenergize attorneys and positively reframe their approach to the business of law.
Heather can customize a workshop/training to fit your firm’s specific needs. Contact Heather to discuss here:
Currently Booking For
✓ Keynote Speeches
✓ Firm Presentations
✓ Workshops
✓ Seminars
✓ Panel Discussions
✓ Team Retreats
✓ Lunch & Learns
✓ Podcast Interviews
Featured at & worked with:

Heather gives practical, real-world solutions for how to succeed as a lawyer. She has been there and gets it.
Heather’s guidance is relevant, fresh and relatable.
Her personal path enables her to bring a truly unique perspective to the table. Particularly valuable is her inclusion of practical, hands-on strategies for getting an honest picture for how your limited time is allocated (and how it compares to core goals and values. And then how to take control when out of sync.
Heather is an engaging, relatable speaker.
She has a wealth of information for attorneys looking to tap into their own strengths and capabilities for purposes of business development.
Heather’s no-nonsense, cut-to-the-chase approach will help you quickly uncover root issues (instead of just treating symptoms).

Leadership & business coaching for lawyers ready to reenergize your law practice & life.
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